Music for Battery

the third and final installment of the noise tapes trilogy, Music for Battery delivers harsh blasts of distorted samples and textures to create an assaulting experience.

    free downloads (224 kbps mp3)
  • mediafire
  • (direct links to each track are provided below)

audio cassette:

  • label: GarageMonkey Productions (GMP-009)
  • format: cassette C30 / digital file
  • released: December 8, 2009
  • time: 26:09
  • recorded, engineered, mixed, and mastered by Deterior in Studio 205 in February 2009
  • cover art: Deterior

    side a
  1. Corrosion Engine (3:54)
  2. Anomaly Sniper (5:30)
  3. The Aberrance (2:43)
  4. Structural Bliss (1:30)
    side b
  1. Blinded by Static (6:12)
  2. In One Breath... (3:58)
  3. Don't Look (2:02)


this record was entirely produced by deterior; however various sound samples used were kindly borrowed from the following: freesound users whose names I currently do not have; youtube users whose names I currently do not have; Morbid Axe (I apologize for the lack of attribution). all content remains copyright © the original owner.


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