Torchbearer by Deterior I have to say, it feels pretty good to finally get this out there. Even discounting the "hiatus", this one took forever to make. As always, I hope you'll enjoy it. The album is free to stream at Bandcamp and YouTube . It's pay-what-you-want to download a high-quality digital cop. The Bandcamp download comes with an exclusive PDF booklet with artwork, lyrics, and credits. label: GarageMonkey Productions (GMP-030) format: digital file released: 23 April 2013 time: 46:58 recorded and engineered by Deterior in Studio 170 from January–March 2013 mixed and mastered by Deterior in Studio 170 from March–April 2013 cover photography: Keith Roper Now it's time to relax and crank out that Men Like Gods remaster.