Album progress update

Hello everyone! I figured I'd do a bit of posting about how the new music is coming along. I've decided that I'm done writing demos and have picked out eight of them to become fully-fledged songs on the new album. Right now I'm working on getting the preliminary order worked out, and pretty soon I'm going to start writing the tabs, editing arrangements, and writing lyrics.

The songs themselves have turned out great so far. They're not too terribly different in style from those on Primitive Circuitry, maybe with a little extra post-hardcore influence. Of course as always I'm trying to do something different / new / experimental with them all and we'll see how that goes. Well, I'm liking them so far and so should any fans of the last album.

It's been a slow process so far, but as I've said before I've had a lot on my plate lately, which is going to change drastically in the next few weeks, and I think I'll have a lot more time to do work on music this summer. I'm going to try to get it out before the calendar year is up, which should be doable, but I'm not going to speculate on that any further at this point.


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